Updated :
Tuesday, March 25, 2025 |
Links for Prominent Medical
A |
AMA Archives of Internal Medicine American Heart
Association American Journal
of Nutrition
Academy of Sciences
Journal Publication of the American Association of Occupational
Health Nurses. Academic
Psychiatry Journal publishes material for and by
psychiatrists. Advances in
Osteoporosis Quarterly electronic journal edited by Ego Seeman. Advances in
Wound Care Adverse Drug
Reactions This journal focuses on adverse drug reactions and acute
poisoning. Age and
Aging Bi-monthly journal, studies into aging. Ageing
Well Quarterly Journal of the National Ageing Research Institute,
Australia. AHA
News Published by the American Hospital Association. AIDS Book Review
Journal Monthly journal which publishes information such as videos
and journal titles which pertain to AIDS, safer sex and STDs. Subscription
required. AIDS
Information Newsletter Biweekly newsletter from the US Department
of Veterans Affairs AIDS Information Center. For health care
professionals. AIDS
Reader Free electronic version of the journal of the same
title. AIDS Weekly
Plus Free access to summaries but must subscribe for full
text. Alimentary
Pharm. & Therapeutics Details and table of contents from this
journal specializing in the effects of drugs on the gastrointestinal
tract, gall bladder and pancreas. Allergology
International English version of Japanese journal on allergy and
asthma research. Alzheimer's
Disease Review Professional journal published by the Sanders-Brown
Center on Aging, Ambulatory
Surgery Journal publishes reviews and research articles in
the field of daycare surgery. American Family Physician Official
clinical journal of the American Academy of Family Physicians American Foundation of Med
Research Member information, publications and a timetable of
meetings from the American Foundation for Medical Research. American
Heart Journal Free electronic version of the print journal
concerning the pracice of cardiovascular medicine. American J. Clinical
Nutrition Table of contents and abstracts from this journal
publishing basic and clinical studies relevant to human nutrition. American J. of Geriatric
Psych. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry.
American J. of
Resp. & Critical Care Med. American
Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, provides news,
abstracts and CD-ROM publications. American Journal
of Human Biology Non-specialized journal offers research papers,
theoretical essays, and reviews related to human biology.
American Journal
of Otology Table of contents for the
international forum for otology, neurotology, and skull base
surgery. American Journal of
Pathology Check out issue highlights, along with reviews,
commentaries, and lectures. Features subscription details and submission
policies. American
Journal of Psychiatry Abstracts from editions of the journal since
1995, including full color images. Includes previews of upcoming
editions. American Journal on
Addictions Reprint of abstracts from Fall 95 to the present.
Features clinical analysis of the psychological and biological aspects of
addiction. American Medical
Association - Journals Search the archives to find articles
published in various AMA Journals. Articles can be accessed in full text
or PDF formats. American Psychiatric
Press Magazine style format with excerpts from new journal and book
releases. Includes information on CD library. American
Psychoanalyst Selected articles from the newsletter of the American
Psychoanalytic Association. American
Psychologist Journal providing articles on new concepts and
psychology specialties including science, education and training. Anaesthesia
Online, International Journal of Anaesthesia with peer reviewed
articles on research, professional issues, and education. Andrologia English
version of European publication on male infertility and sexual disorders.
Includes subscription rates and order form. Anesthesia and
Critical Care Directory of resources on the Internet for critical
care specialists, including journals, associations and downloadable
software. Anesthesia
Patient Safety News Quarterly online newsletter of the Anesthesia
Patient Safety Foundation, contains articles on new techniques and
technologies. Annals of
Human Biology Order a sample copy or find guidelines for authors
submitting to this bimonthly journal, which publishes research into
population biology. Annals of
Internal Medicine Annotated table of contents for the current issue
with featured articles available in full text. Annals of
Medicine English version of a Finnish publication featuring
editorials and articles on current topics. Includes order form and
subscription rates. Annals of
Thoracic Surgery Search the abstracts of articles from this
research journal from 1966 onwards. With full-text and calendar of
events. Annals of
Tropical Paediatrics Contents pages only for some of the recent
editions of this UK-based magazine. Includes subscription details. Antiviral Agents
Bulletin Summaries from recent editions covering antiviral drug and
vaccine developments, with emphasis on HIV-infection and AIDS-related
therapeutics. Antiviral
Weekly Abstracts and selected articles on this journal covering
antiviral drug developments and related viruses. With news reports. Anxiety Disorder News Informative
reports from the National Panic/Anxiety Disorder News. Includes reviews of
medications in trial APA News American
Psychiatric Association's newsletter, covering policies, politics, and
legislative and judicial issues. Applied
Behavior Analysis Journal Searchable abstracts of research applying
experimental analysis of behavior to social problems. Includes past
editions. Applied
Neurobiology and Neuropathology Journal of the British
Neuropathological Society. Links to clinical papers dealing with
neurobiological aspects of disease. Archive of
Pediatrics Free registration to preview the current issue or
read the abstracts, selected full-text articles and past issues. Published
by the AMA.
B |
British Medical
Neuroscience Abstracts for the Journal of Behavioural Neuroscience
which focuses on research into the biological bases of behavior. Biological
Psychiatry International journal, published twice monthly, covers a
range of psychiatric neuroscience. Find subscription details and tables of
content. Biologicals Reviews
and analyzes biological materials used in the manufacture of medicine.
Browse the abstracts or the list of research areas. Biology of Reproduction Table of
contents and abstracts from the journal, but not full articles, are posted
around the middle of each month. Biology of
Reproduction Describes the focus of the journal and gives
subscription details. Includes tables of contents which are updated
monthly. Biomaterials Concerns
the science and application of biomaterials and associated medical
devices. Find subscription details and abstracts. BioPharm Covers the technology
and business of biopharmaceuticals. With author and subject indexes, news,
a media kit, and subscription details. Birth - Issues
in Perinatal Care Publication for neonatal health professionals,
midwives, nurses, lactation consultations and physicians. Blood Read abstracts or
subscribe to read the full articles form the journal of the American
Society of Hematology. Includes access to archives. Blood Cells, Molecules, and
Diseases Online version, with focus not only blood cells, but also
on the molecular basis of hematologic disease and studies of the diseases
themselves. Blood
Weekly Free access to summaries but must subscribe for full text.
Includes information from newswires, conferences and journals. BMJ Publishing Group Citations
from the range of journals published the BMJ with a news service and
reports on international congresses. Brain and
Cognition Relevant to all aspects of human neuropsychology other
than language or communication. Includes reviews, original articles and
case histories. Brain
Injury Rehab Update Newsletter that provides research information
for rehab professionals, links to other brain injury sites. Brain Pathology
Online Searchable archive of past issues with abstracts of featured
articles from the Journal of the International Society of
Neuropathology. Breast Journal
- The Publication of the American Society of Breast Disease with
feature articles and research updates. Contains subscription
details. British
Journal of Clinical Pharm. Monthly journal published online and in
print with details of subscription rates and table of contents. British Journal
of Dermatology Publication available online and in print form with
articles on dermatology in clinical practice and research. British Journal
of Haematology Monthly publication of the British Society for
Haematology and the European Haematology Association. British
Journal of Obst & Gyn Independent publication owned by the
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists features both clinical
and research articles. British
Journal of Radiology Overview of this journal investigating the
clinical and technical aspects of diagnostic imaging, radiotherapy and
radiobiology. British Journal of
Rheumatology Abstracts of articles and tables of contents for
issues of the journal from January 1996. British Journal
of Surgery Available online or in print form with subscription and
order details and instructions for author submissions. British Journal
of Urology Monthly publication of the British Association of
Urological Surgeons and the European Society of Paediatric Urology. British Medical Journal Online
edition of the BMJ. With selected articles, editorials, and press releases
from current edition. BSGE Journal
published on the Internet by the British Society of Gynaecological
Endoscopy. Bulletin of the
History of Medicine Covers the social and scientific aspects of the
history of medicine worldwide. Read over a sample issue and the submission
C |
Cells On
Canadian J. of Gastroenterology Search contents pages and abstracts from 1995. Subscription
details are included. Canadian Journal of Plastic
Surgery Latest techniques and technologies being used in plastic
surgery. With a searchable archive of past issues. Canadian Journal of
Psychiatry Publication of the Canadian Psychiatric Association.
Issues contain original, clinical, peer-reviewed research papers and
articles. Canadian
Respiratory Journal Bimonthly journal of the Canadian Thoracic
Society, medical section of The Lung Association, with case reports and
articles. Cancer Online version with
full text of current articles, search function, and links to MEDLINE
abstracts. Cancer
Weekly Collects news headlines from around the world pertaining to
current cancer issues, research developments, and events. Cardiology - Online Journal Educational
material for practitioners including EKG puzzles. Includes reviews of
cardiac medications. Cardiopulmonary and Critical
Care Journal of the American College of Chest Physicians features
research into pulmonology, cardiology and thoracic surgery. Cardiovascular
Anesthesiologists Professional society provides membership details
and conference information. With the online newsletter of the
society. Cardiovascular
Pathobiology Net publication allowing investigators from diverse
cardiovascular disciplines to freely exchange their ideas and
advances. Cardiovascular
Surgery Official journal of the International Society for
Cardiovascular Surgery addresses all aspects of cardiac and vascular
surgery. CDAB
Online Edition Browse current issue of Child Development Abstracts
and Bibliography, published by the University of Chicago Press for the
Society for Research in Child Development. Cellular
Immunology Online version publishes original investigations
concerned with the immunological activities of cells in experimental or
clinical situations. CenterWatch
Clinical Trials Service which helps you locate physicians and
medical centers performing clinical research. Register for free email
service. CHEST Journal of the
American College of Chest Physicians features research into pulmonology,
cardiology and thoracic surgery. Chest Medicine On-Line Free
access to this journal which is peer reviewed and edited by Vince Mak
MRCP, consultant physician in respiratory and intensive care
medicine. ChiroNet Press
releases, scholarly articles, newsletters and an index of registered
practitioners listed by state. Chiropractic Classified
Online Place a classified ad to sell, get cover for your practice
or find an associate. Chiropractic Online
Today Monthly ezine with news and chiropractic debate, with
information on management, referral and educational resources. Chiroweb News and trends from
around the world. With a bulletin board and forum for professionals and
consumers. Circulation
Research Abstracts from 1995 taken from a journal of clinical and
laboratory research relevant to cardiovascular disease. CJPP Canadian
Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology published in full-text in Adobe
Acrobat portable document format (PDF files). Clinical &
Experimental Allergy J. Monthly publication of the of the British
Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Available online or in print
version. Clinical &
Experimental Immunology Monthly journal of the British Society for
Immunology. Available online or in print with subscription details. Clinical
Drug Investigation Free electronic version of the journal of the
same title. Aim is rapid publication of original drug research info. Clinical Immunology &
Immunopath. Publishes research on the molecular and cellular bases
of disease. Features short analytical reviews of topics in immunology and
case reports. Clinical
Otolaryngology Publication of the British Association of
Otolaryngologists and the Netherlands Society for Oto-Rhino-Laryngology
and Cervico-Facial-Surgery. Clinical
Psychopharmacology Abstracts from the curent issue of Experimental
and Clinical Psychopharmacology. Clinical
Radiology Journal of the Royal Society of Radiologists published
monthly online or in print with subscription details. Clinician
Reviews Free electronic version of the print journal of the same
title. Designed for the nurse practitioner and physician assistant. Clinics
in Dermatology Get subscription details, and find out how to order
a sample copy. Includes the contents pages of previous editions of this
monthly journal. Cognitive Psychology
Journal News, research, reviews and methodological articles about
the study of memory, language processing, perception, and thinking. Community
Psychiatrist Published by the American Association of Community
Psychiatrists. Includes full text presentation of 1996 editions. Complications
in Orthopedics Free electronic version of the print journal of the
same title. Provides information on preventing and treating compications. Complications
in Surgery Free electronic version of the print journal of the same
title. Provides information on preventing and treating surgical
infection. Computer Aided
Surgery Online Full text, searchable online edition of Computer
Aided Surgery with preprints, forums, and reference links to
MEDLINE. Computer Aided
Surgery Online Full text, searchable online edition of Computer
Aided Surgery with preprints, forums, and reference links to
MEDLINE. Consulting
& Clinical Psychology Abstracts from the current issue on the
treatment and care of diverse patient groups. Contemporary
Psychology Journal with self-help materials and articles from
experts about new concepts and trends in every area of psychology. Cornwall Clinical
Journal. British site covering local as well as general healthcare
issues. Features information on occupational health, clinical pharmacy,
and links. Cryobiology Online
version of journal examining advances in cyrosurgery, gives table of
contents for current and past issues, and links to related links. Current
Opinion in Neurobiology View table of contents and pay one dollar
to view selected article. Subjects covered include; Neuronal and glial
cell biology - Disease, transplantation and regeneration. Cytokine Access
abstracts related to molecular biology, biochemistry, immunology,
diagnostic and clinical applications of all known interleukins. Cytopathology Publication
of the British Society for Clinical Cytology which is available online or
in a print version.
D |
.Den-Tel-Net Guide to
articles dealing with periodontics, endodontics, orthodontics,
prosthodontics and oral surgery. Dental Bytes Magazine focuses on
topics which improve the marketing of dental practices. With advice on
clinical techniques. Dental
Economics Monthly journal featuring management, financial, clinical
and product information. Displays contents and summaries of current
issue. Dental Success
Online Articles, opinions by prominent figures within the dental
industry. Covers issues such as cosmetic dentistry, and business
plans. Dentistry
Online Contains search facility, archived professional pages,
patient information, and dentistry links on the Web. Dermatology Online
Journal Journal which emphasizes the potential of the Internet for
the profession. With instructions on how to post images on the Web. Developmental
Psychology Abstracts from the current issue of the Journal of
Developmental Psychology discussing research. Diabetes Care Online
version gives unrestricted access to the journal. Articles are printed on
the Internet in full. Diagnostic
Imaging Details of news and feature story journal, with selected
articles online. Free online subscription for professionals. Disease Weekly Plus News from
around the world pertaining to news diseases, research developments, and
events. Read a sample issue and subscribe. Division
20 Quarterly newsletter from the American Psychological
Association, on Adult Development and Aging. Articles from current and
past issues. Doctors'
Guide Contains medical news and alerts. With a database of medical
conferences listed by date. Drug Approvals
List Listing of new drug approvals from the Food and Drug
Administration, recording drug name, use and applicant. Drug
Benefit Trends Publication for managed health care professionals
who control pharmacy service and drug benefits. With selected articles and
subscription details. Drug Wise
Online Online newsletter on psychotropic and therapeutic drugs,
with reviews of international literature summarizing drug developments and
E |
Echocardiography Electronic
journal started in April 1995 with the purpose of providing articles and
images about echocardiography. Electrogastrography
Ezine Provides a free scientific forum for the researchers in the
fields of electrogastrography and gastric electrical activity. Electronic Journal of
Hand Surgery Present and past issues published in full and
accompanied by moderated discussions of the content of articles. Electronic Journal of
Orthopaedics Peer-reviewed articles with the opportunity to submit
your own paper for publishing. Emergency
Medical Abstracts Subscribe to receive EMA Online which contains
all the content and functionality of the disk-based version. Environmental Health
Perspectives Publications of the National Institute of
Environmental Health Sciences and the EHP. Consult recent journals, and
abstracts. Epilepsy
Research Order a sample copy, and view tables of content. Covers
experimental and clinical epileptology, with an emphasis on brain
mechanisms in epilepsy. ESCTAIC
Newsletter Quarterly publication of the European Society of
Computing and Technology in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care. ESIA Online Educational
Synopses in Anesthesia and Critical Care Medicine publishes scholarly
reviews and original research.
Essential Drugs Monitor Selected
articles from this World Health Organization journal containing features
on national drug policies and public education. Euro Journal of
Surgery This monthly publication for specialist and general
surgeons contains research abstracts and links to related journal
sites. European J of Surgical
Oncology Lists abstracts from the current issue of the journal with
a facility for searching all available abstracts from past issues. European
Journal of Anaesthesiology Details of this journal publishing
experimental and clinical research. With information on subscriptions and
its online availability. European
Journal of Neuroscience Presents the multidisciplinary journal's
aims, scope, tables of content, and subscription rates. Request a sample
copy and find writing details. European Surgical
Research Original clinical and experimental researth papers. Serves
the information needs of investigators in various fields of operative
medicine. Experimental
Gerontology Bimonthly journal for students and professionals.
Examine a summary of contents, a sample copy and subscription
F |
G |
Therapy Weekly Free access to summaries but
must subscribe for full text. Includes information from newswires,
conferences and journals. General Practice
Online International Journal of General Practice and Primary Care
with peer reviewed articles on research, professional issues, and
education. Genome
Research View subscription and submission specifics in addition to
past and present abstracts. Features current research news and a search
option. GeriNotes Quarterly
newsletter from the American Physical Therapy Association Global Dental
NewsJournal Subscription only journal which includes articles on
practice management, clinical techniques, and reviews. Global Emergency Medicine
Archives Electronic journal of peer-reviewed contributions which
includes a newsgroup and online professional discussions. Gynaecological
Endoscopy Journal of the British, European, International,
Australian, Hong Kong and Italian Societies for Gynaecological Endoscopy.
H |
.Hand Surgery Online Subscription
detaild for an electronic resource service designed for the Hand Surgeons
community throughout the world. Harvard Mental Health
Letter Articles by experts in all areas of mental health theory,
treatment and research. Advice for the professional and lay
caregiver. HDCN Hypertension,
Dialysis, and Clinical Nephrology provides up-to-date information on renal
disorders and their treatment. Health and Medical Informatics
Digest - HMID Consider free subscription to this monthly digest
that examines online medical informatics for practitioners, academics and
researchers. Health Management
Technology Monthly journal for health technology professionals.
Site includes a free weekly newsletter, classifieds, events calendar, and
discussion group. Health
Physics Tables of contents, abstracts, news and subscription
details from the official journal of the Health Physics Society. Health
Psychology Abstracts from the current issue of the journal which
publishes empirical studies of the relationships between behavior and
illness. Healthcare
Review Online Occasional online journal from New Zealand which
reviews health care delivery, health policy, planning, and healthcare
outcomes. Heart Surgery
Forum Online journal of original manuscripts and case reports
reviewed by an international panel of cardiac surgeons. HeartWeb Online ezine which
includes research, multimedia slide presentations, 2D motion
echocardiography and EKG puzzles. Hepatitis B Coalition News Reports
on progress with vaccination, including the hepatitis A vaccine. Describes
primary risk groups and vaccination recommendations. Histopathology Monthly
journal of the British Division of the International Academy of Pathology
available in online or print version. HNOnline Electronic
Journal of head and neck surgery, re-printed in English, and hosted by
Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich. HUM-MOLGEN Human
molecular genetics forum provides news on the latest research, and an
archive of the contents pages from journals. Human
Immunology American Society for Histocompatibility and
Immunogenetics publishes this peer-reviewed journal. Find abstracts and
subscription details. Human
Nature Calls itself "an interdisciplinary biosocial perspective."
Outlines past, present, and upcoming issues and subscription and
submission specifics. Human
Reproduction Monthly publication presents peer-reviewed papers, in
both online and text versions. Find subscription details and tables of
content. Human Reproduction
Abstracts Online version includes tables of contents and abstracts.
Featured articles are published in full. Human Reproduction Update Contents
and abstracts of current issue with a searchable database of past issues.
From Oxford University Press. Hypertension Abstracts
of articles dating back to 1995 from journal published by the American
Heart Association.
I |
Pediatrics IatroNet Offers a wide
variety of educational and reference services for physicians, clinics,
medical organizations and related corporations. ICHE Abstracts,
subscription details and free copy of the Journal of Infection Control and
Hospital Epidemiology. Idea Central - Health
Policy Articles on health insurance legislation, medical
savings accounts, recent trends in HMOs and medicaid proposals. IJCTS Internet
Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery; peer reviewed and includes
a forum for the discussion of related issues.
IJHQA Subscription details for the International Journal of
Health Care Quality Assurance (now incorporating Leadership in Health
Services). IJPPP International Journal
of Psychopathology, Psychopharmacology, and Psychotherapy. Full text of
case reports, research and reviews. Imaging
On-Line International, quarterly magazine for radiologists that
provides an reviews of the latest developments in diagnostic
imaging. Immunity
Online Journal allows web users to read abstracts from current and
past issues. With employment and conference listings. Immunity Online Research articles
and reviews of general interest in the entire discipline of immunology.
Includes facility to search conferences and courses database. Immunology Journal
of the British Society for Immunology published monthly and available
online and in print version. Immunology
Today Journal monitors research and clinical immunology. With a
discussion of FDA regulation of antibody development. Immunology
Today Both paper and online versions are available. Check out
subscription specifics, issue outlines, and submission policies. Immunotherapy Weekly Sift
through abstracts from past and present issues concerning research, news,
and events. Articles in their entirety must be "bought." In the Press Society of
Thoracic Surgeons hosts this press clipping service from leading journals
and newspapers around the world. Infectious Disease
News Online journal featuring articles on medical conferences,
research presentations, government legislation, and new techniques. Infectious Disease
Weekly Summaries are free but you must pay to see the full text.
Includes information from newswires, conferences, and journals. Infectious Diseases
in Children Monthly news source for pediatricians. Covers new drugs
and procedures for diagnosing and testing pediatric infectious
diseases. Int'l J of Health
Care QA IJHCQA presents information, comment and debate on quality
assurance issues, trends and developments which affect the healthcare
industry. Int'l J. of
Gynecological Cancer Published bimonthly with details of table of
contents and authors submissions. Includes advice on subscription
rates. Int'l J. of
Nursing Practice Journal published quarterly with research papers,
clinical reports and books reviews. Includes advice for authors and order
form. Int'l Journal of
Aromatherapy Publication with updated information about
aromatherapy developments worldwide. Subscribe to the US addition to
receive a free issue. Int'l Journal of
Dermatology Contents of the last two editions, membership
information and presentation guidelines for scientific papers. International
Endodontic Journal Journal of the British Endodontic Society, the
Netherlands Society for Endodontology, the European Society of
Endodontology, International
Immunology Read abstracts from the Oxford Univ. Press journal,
publishing experimental and theoretical studies monthly. Subscribers may
read full texts. International
J. of Dermatology Journal published monthly with information about
the diagnosis and treatment of skin disease. Includes subscription
details. Internet J of
Anesthesiology Edited by Olivier C. Wenker, M.D., DEAA and includes
peer reviewed scholarly articles, discussion forum and `case of the
month'. Internet
Journal of EM & IC Internet Journal of Emergency Medicine and
Intesive Care; peer reviewed and includes interactive case reports. Internet Medical
Bookstore Online medical text sales. Catalog contains over 24,000
entries covering medical, dental, nursing, and allied sciences. Investigative Dermatology
Journal Presents guidelines for the submission of scientific papers
and news of interest to subscribers.
J |
Journal Of American Medical Association JAMA
Journal of
Nutrition Journal of Medicine Online
Journal Of Association
Of Physicians Of India ( JAPI)
Journal Watch On
.J of Quality
in Clinical Practice Quarterly publication of the Australian
Council on Healthcare Standards Australian Medical Association. Features
comments, news, and abstracts. J Southern Orthopaedic
Assoc Quarterly print journal where full text, photos and articles
from all specialities are included. J. of Am. Board of Family
Practice Subscription details and table of contents for the current
issue of the Journal of the American Board of Family Practice. J. of
Anaesthetists of GB & Ireland Official publication of the
Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland. Includes
subscription details and table of contents. J. of General
Internal Medicine Published for the Society of General Internal
Medicine with articles on primary health care and research. Includes order
form. J. of
Intensive Care Medicine Reviews, articles and research relating to
ICU practice. Includes details of subscription rates and order form and
instructions for authors. J. of Psych
& Mental Health N'ing Journal available online and in print and
published bimonthly. Includes table of contents, instructions for authors
and order form. Japan Heart
Journal Gives an overview of the articles featured in the
highlighted publication. The opportunity to submit is noted. Japanese Journal of
Pharmacology Published by the Japanese Pharmacological Society
contains the tables of contents and abstracts from the past year's
issues. Journal Club
on the Web Contains summaries of medical journal articles along
with reader comments. Moderated by Michael Jacobson, MD. Journal of Abnormal
Psychology View the journal's current table of contents, learn how
to submit articles and meet the editorial board. Copies can be ordered
online. Journal of
Advanced Nursing Available monthly online or in print form with
table of contents, advice to authors and subscription details. Journal of
AIDS Online journal focusing on a variety of treatments and
disorders associated with AIDS. With submission details for authors. Journal of American
College of Cardiology Journal of the American College of Cardiology
presents feature articles, an abstract database and professional
opportunities. Journal of Applied
Psychology Publishes original investigations in all areas of
applied psychology. With abstracts of current issue. Journal of Arthritis and
Rheumatism Tables of contents from 1995 for the official journal of
the American College of Rheumatology. Journal of Arthroscopy and
Related Surgery Featured article and the table of contents for the
current issue of the Journal of Arthroscopy and Related Surgery. Journal of Artificial
Intelligence Refereed journal disseminates research, news and info
about all aspects of AI. With past and present editions available
online. Journal
of Back & Musculoskeletal Rehab For physical and occupational
therapists, orthopedic surgeons, and those in radiology, sports medicine
and neurosurgery. Journal of
Clinical Nursing Journal published quarterly featuring articles
about the theory and practice of nursing. Includes subscription details
and order form. Journal of
Clinical Nutrition Peer-reviewed journal that publishes the latest
worldwide basic and clinical studies on human nutrition. Journal
of Clinical Pathology View content pages of recent editions. Access
of abstracts of full texts require subsciption. Journal of Clinical Pediatric
Dentistry Subscription information and text of the latest edition,
published in full. Journal of Clinical
Psychoanalysis Lists contents of recent editions, ands publishes a
feature article online. From the New York Psychoanalytic Institute and
Society. Journal of Cognitive
Neuroscience Discover contents of upcoming issues drawing on
developments in computer science, neuropsychology, neuroscience, and
cognitive psychology. Journal
of Cognitive Rehabilitation Articles, research reports, and news
for therapists and patients. Contains an events calendar and
software. Journal
of Comparative Psychology Abstracts from current edition offering
insights into how all species, including humans, evolve and adapt. Journal of Counseling
Psychology Abstracts from current issue with an emphasis on
empirical studies on the evaluation and application of counseling
programs. Journal of Cutaneous
Med & Surgery Contents of the most recent edition of the
Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery. Journal
of Dermatological Science View the table of contents of recent
editions and register for a complimentary copy of the journal. Journal of
Dermatological Treatment Index to the contents of recent editions.
Membership details included. Journal of Digital
Imaging Table of contents and abstracts from selected issues since
1992 from this quarterly journal of computer radiography. Journal of
Electronic Imaging Quarterly journal provides its table of contents
and abstracts for issues since 1992. With information for
contributors. Journal
of Emergency Medicine On-Line Comprehensive digest of treatment and
diagnostic advances in emergency medicine and acute primary care, which
includes original contributions. Journal
of Experimental Medicine Browse and search all issues or table of
content of current issue of this journal of medical research. Journal of Family
Medicine Online journal focusing on a variety of diseases common in
family medicine, featuring articles on specific fields each edition. Journal of Family
Psychology Abstracts from the current issue. Journal publishes
empirical research on a wide range of family-related topics. Journal of Gastrointestinal
Surgery Gives names of editors and table of contents for the first
issue of the journal that will be published in 1997. Journal of Geriatric
Psychiatry American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry; reprint of
abstracts from Fall 95 to the present. Journal of Hospital
Infection Details about this publication which is the official
Journal of the UK Hospital Infection Society. Includes abstracts from the
latest edition. Journal of
Human Nutrition - Dietetics Publication of the British Dietetic
Association featuring topics such as health education and nutrition.
Available bimonthly online or in print. Journal of Immunology Full text
version of many articles dating back to 1995. Includes forum for
exchanging ideas on issues raised by the articles.
Journal of Indian Medical
Association Popularly known as JIMA, an Indexed
Journal constitutes the largest circulation (over 91,000 copies per month)
of all the indexed and other medical journals of India and abroad. Journal
of Maternal Nursing Full text reprints of stimulating news and
scientific research articles from past issues of The American Journal of
Maternal/Child Nursing. Journal of Mind &
Behavior Interdisciplinary, refereed journal explores relationships
between methodology, operationism, and theory construction related to
mind/body dualism. Journal
of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology Request a sample issue of this
journal which publishes international research papers. Author
instructions, editorial details, and rates included. Journal
of Molecular Liquids Examine aims and scope, tables of content, and
special issues of this international monthly. Request a sample copy, and
find contacts. Journal
of Neonatal Nursing Abstracts of current issue with one article
published in full from the official journal of the UK Society of Neonatal
Nurses. Journal of Neuro
Nursing Published for Nurses working in Neuroscience, encourages
submission of abstracts from those working in this specialty. Journal of
Neurochemistry Official publication of the International Society
for Neurochemistry devoted to molecular, chemical and cellular biology of
the nervous system. With abstracts and editorial policy.
K |
Key Publications
in Urology Reviews of the latest
urological literature, news reviews, commentaries and other online
information of interest to urologists.
L |
Abstracts and some full text articles from the current issue.
Includes press releases, and employment database.
Login Brothers Book
Company Distributor of medical,
nursing and allied health books and electronic products. With a searchable
M |
Med Scape On-Line
Malaria Weekly Summaries are
free but must pay for full text. Includes information from newswires,
conferences and journals. MedConnect Online continuing
education forum with case presentations followed by interactive quizzes to
earn CME points. Medical College of
Wisconsin HealthLINK Offers chapters to read on travel
medicine and related issues, including altitude sickness and cholera
vaccination. Medical
Journal of Australia Online version of Australia's premier medical
journal contains full-text articles from current and past issues. Medical Matrix -
Anesthesiology Searchable database and information resource,
listing news, abstracts, practice guidelines and procedures. Medical
Mycology Details the causes and forms of fungal disease as it
occurs in humans and animals. Read submission guidelines or request a
sample. Medical
Sciences Bulletin Online journal containing analgesic and
anesthetic drug reviews, published by Pharmaceutical Information
Associates. Medicine on the
Net Monthly journal covers the ever-expanding presence of
medical information on the Web. Subscribe online or preview the current
issue. Medicine
Online Free access to resources on a broad range of topics, view
current contents or find out about submitting an article. Medscape Peer-reviewed clinical
articles and literature reviews on medical specialties, dictionary,
bookstore, and career center. Free registration. MedScape
- Journals Essential resource for better patient care with free
access to an array of journals and Medline searches. Medscape
- Women's Health Information for the promotion of wellness, and the
prevention and managment of diseases in women. Free registration
required. MedWeb Plus
- Family Medicine Internet directory especially useful for
searching for university departments and international societies. Midwifery Today
Magazine Samples of articles on pregnancy, homebirth, midwifery and
breastfeeding. Educational books and tapes available plus details about
conferences. Modern
Medicine Online version includes features and news, updates from
medical meetings, and info on new drugs and treatments. Molecular and Cellular
Probes Request a sample issue while examining editorial highlights
and subscription specifics. Also features writer guidelines. Molecular Human
Reproduction Gives contents and abstracts of recent issues,
subscription rates and instructions for authors. Molecular Vision Dedicated to
the research of molecular biology, cell biology, and the genetics of the
visual system. With tables of content, FAQs, and contacts.
N |
Nature Nature Cell
Biology Nature Biotechnology Nature Medicine
Neurosciences Nature Genetics Nature Structural
New England Journal Of
Medicine Subscribe to this journal
that provides news and details of biomedical research being conducted
world wide. Designed for PhDs and MDs. Nephrology Dialysis
Transplantation Gives tables of contents and abstracts of articles
from this journal from January 1986 onwards. Nereus For psychologists,
an extensive list of journal articles, essays, books and news items
available online.
O |
Osler Medical
.Ocular Surgery
News Twice-monthly medical newspaper for ophthalmologists,
providing coverage of scientific research and events in
ophthalmology. OJNI On-Line
Journal of Nursing Informatics; scholarly, peer reviewed electronic
journal. Subscription is free. On The
Brain Quarterly newsletter of neuroscience from Harvard Medical
School's Harvard Mahoney Neuroscience Research Institute. Oncology Pharmacy
Practice Information on a new international journal dedicated to
educating pharmacists about the care of cancer patients. Ophthalmology
Journal From the American Academy of Ophthalmology, with contents
for upcoming issues, articles, manuscripts and analyses. Orthodontic CYBERjournal, The On-line
peer reviewed, journal dedicated to the sharing of information in the art
and science of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics. Orthodontics Web Journal Aims
to unite like minded orthodontists to form a Web-group. Includes case
reports, orthodontic surgery info, a forum, and links. Orthopedics
Today Excellent orthopedics news service which includes feature
articles, online seminars and a shopping mall. OT - Mental
Health Magazine produced by the Association of Occupational
Therapists in Mental Health. Features contents pages and facility submit
an article.
P |
Critical Care
Pediatric Pharmacotherapy
Pediatric Research
Proceedings of the National Academy Of
Pain Net,
Inc. Provides public information
about pain management programs, and offers education programs and practice
development for doctors. Pediatric
Annals Each monthly issue provides a thorough, practical review of
a single topic in pediatrics. With subscription details. Pediatric
Critical Care Electronic textbook which includes a growing
collection of original, peer-reviewed articles, and reviews.
Pediatric Critical Care
Medicine The Pediatric Critical Care Medicine Website The
multidisciplinary educational and practical resource for Pediatric
Critical Care Pediatric
News at your Desktop Free registration required for online case
analysis hosted by Robert Belfer, Medical College of Pennsylvania. Links
to jobs. Pediatric
Pharmacotherapy Online University of Virginia's monthly
peer-reviewed information on the initiation and monitoring of medications
in primary care. Pediatric
Rheumatology Page Includes info for families and physicians on
juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and childhood arthritis. With a referral
guide and knowledge test. Pediatric Surgery
Update Monthly online newsletter dealing with current issues and
research, of interest to pediatric physicians and surgeons. Pediatric
Urology Details of a mailing list providing a mechanism for
collegial discussion of clinical problems and research. Pediatrics Electronic
Pages Articles covering advances in pediatric medicine and reviewed
abstracts of articles published in the print version of
"Pediatrics". Pediatrics in Primary
Care Free sample copy of this monthly update of the most clinically
important articles on primary-care pediatrics from the current literature,
with expert editorial comments. Perspectives in
Biology and Medicine Browse articles from the quarterly journal
created to counteract specialization and place the biosciences in context
with other disciplines. Pharmaceutical
and Biomedical Analysis International journal covers drug-related
topics in pharmaceutical, biomedical and clinical analysis. Download an
order form. Pharmacological
Research Highlights the research areas which this publication
focuses on. Find out how to obtain a sample issue and read subscription
details. Pharmacy
Online Features papers, articles, letters and educational material,
edited by Dr. M Partridge Director of Pharmacy in a UK hospital. With
search. Pharmacy
Times Updated weekly this forum for pharmacists provides news,
feature articles, career information and product reviews.
Q |
R |
Research Official journal of the Radiation
Research Society provides abstracts, table of contents and a calendar of
events. RadioGraphics Details
on this journal devoted to scientific exhibits, technology, and continuing
education in radiology. Reproduction, Fertility
and Development Contents for recent issues, subscription details
and information on special deals for popular past issues. Reproductive Fertility
& Develop. Contents pages for this journal covering
reproductive biology, reproductive endocrinology and developmental
biology. Research in
Radiography Addresses clinical and educational perspectives of
radiography. With article abstracts and details for
S |
Science on
.SatelLife Reports on public
health, medicine, and the state of the environment in the third
world. Seminars in
Cancer Biology Presents recent research in the field of molecular
ontology. Check out a list of sample topics, subscribe, or peruse
abstracts. Sexologies
Journal Browse abstracts of articles from past issues of this
journal designed for sex therapists. Includes subscription details. Skin Therapy
Letter Contents of the most recent editions and some articles
published in their entirety. Smart Life
- Cognitive Enhancement Research Institute Scan excerpts from this
newsletter which focuses on "smart" drugs and nutrients. SMW Official publication of the Swiss
Society for Internal Medicine and the Swiss Society for Pneumology; with
full text articles published in English. SNACC Society of
Neurosurgical Anesthesia and Critical Care provides this discussion list
for members and other professionals. Social
Psychology Peer-reviewed online journal of current social
psychology research, with referenced articles, and author
biographies. Southern
Medical Journal Version of the monthly print of the Southern
Medical Association. Features editorials, case reports, and a
review/current concepts section. Sports Medicine
News Weekly sports medicine bulletin service. Includes columns on
common injuries, tip of the week, and sports links. Standard Official newsletter
from the United States Pharmacopeia provides details of new drug
regulations and standards plus member news. STS News Society of
Thoracic Surgeons' online newsletter contains articles on events and
research in the world of thoracic surgery. Surgery and Specialistic
Medicine Published yearly, this electronic journal features
articles on topics as diverse as plastic surgery and hernia repair. Survey of
Anesthesiology Selected articles and table of contents from this
monthly journal covering anesthesiology in various specialties.
T |
The Journal of Clinical
The Medical News
File The site features a huge selection of
the world's most important health news for the
The Medical Journals Site
.TB Weekly Summaries
are free, but must pay for full text. Includes information from newswires,
conferences and journals. Team
Rehab Reports Electronic publication for professionals who
purchase, prescribe or recommend products and services related to
assistive technology. Telephone Nursing
Telezine Free monthly publication started in August 1996. Each
months edition is devoted to a particular area of telephone nursing. The Annals of Thoracic
Surgery Search the abstracts of articles from this research journal
from 1966 onwards. With full-text and calendar of events. The
Neuroscientist Tables of contents and abstracts for review journal
bridging neurobiology, neurology and psychiatry with registtration for
free sample copy. Theory
& Psychology Journal Examines conceptual frameworks of
psychology, its historical underpinnings, ideological assumptions and its
various contexts. Transplantation Information on
this research journal, including details of the current issue and upcoming
articles. With archive of tables of contents. Tropical
Medicine & Int'l Health Journal published for international
tropical health organizations and the London School of Hygiene and
Tropical Medicine.
U |
Universal Medical
Press Producing benchmark
publications of never-before-published applications of new
V |
Vaccine Weekly Free access to
summaries, contents page and events calendar but you must pay to receive
the full text. Vascular and
Endovascular Surgery Table of contents and abstracts from this
journal focusing on all aspects of endovascular and peripheral vascular
surgery. Vascular
Pathology Journal Professional digest from international scientific
journals and congresses. Membership can be applied for online.
W |
WebMedLit Currently tracking
18 of the best medical journals, and presenting you with the most
interesting updates on a daily basis. Weekly Web Review in Emergency
Medicine Updated every Friday, critical analysis of current
clinical literature on topics relevant to the practice of emergency
medicine. What's New in
Surgery Monthly newsletter published by a group of Washington
surgeons with particular reference to laparoscopy and cancer
surgery. Women
and HIV Infection. Reprint of articles appearing in 1994 and 1995.
Detailed discussion of incidence data and innovations in support and
treatment. Women's Health
Weekly Informative reports on health issues affecting women,
especially current debates about HMO's and hospital stays. World Anaesthesia
Online Electronic journal aimed at developing safe anaesthetic
practices in developing countries. Material is all downloadable in pdf
format. World Pharma
Web Pharmaceutical industry news service has stories from around
the world updated daily, plus contact information. World Wide
Wounds Journal of wound management practice for professionals,
wound care, wounds, and dressings.
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